Were you aware of the fact that bone marrows produce white blood cells? Blood cells are produced through our bone marrows, and is essential for our body to function. And as we all know, white blood cells are the basic foundation of our immune system; without them, our body wouldn’t be able to withstand the viruses that enter within our bodies. So let’s ask ourselves this question: what will happen if our bones fail to produce adequate white blood cells?
If you guessed we’d fall sick, you’re correct! We won’t just fall sick, our bodies won’t be able to last long at all. It’s as if a soldier is sent to a battlefield butt-naked. That is no good. People who suffer with low white blood cells usually have a poor nutrition diet, consume too many medications, have autoimmune disorders, or have bone marrow problems. When the bone marrow is in trouble, it affects the white blood cells’ functions and compromises the immune system as a result. Subsequently, our body becomes dangerously prone to bacteria and viruses by even a small scratch/exposure on our skin. US Healstem can help you with that.
Of course proper nutrition will always still be necessary in addition to all those healthy habits, but what US Healstem offers is providing the best environment for your bone marrows. The average human body temperature today is lower than the norm, and that in turn weakens the bone marrow’s productivity. But the Healstem Medical Mat provides a solution by heating up the bone marrow itself through medical technology (Healstem Heat). It heats the body from the inside out and activates the blood cells through powerful wavelengths, which provides a better environment for white blood cells to thrive. This results in natural healing. Simply said, a healthy amount of white blood cells = a better immune system!
“So I guess I can just use any heating mat. Why use Healstem specifically?” Normal heating mats warm up the epidermis (the skin) at most. Far-infrared ray saunas perform better, but can only penetrate up the muscles. Most heat therapies out today do not have the ability to heat up our bones. Healstem, however, uses advanced medical technology that amplifies far-infrared rays by a huge amount to make this possible. Heating up the bones result in more blood being produced (including white & red blood cells), and is the reason why the Healstem Mat & Sauna Therapy is so effective in boosting one’s immunity.