Angie Kim (Female 55 years old Little Neck, NY)
Hi, my name is Angie Kim from New York. The past three to four months have been devastating; thousands of people have died due to the infamous virus Covid19. My work mainly deals with funerals and so, being in an exposed field, I felt like I contracted the virus during the Covid19 outbreak as I worked tirelessly throughout the week. On May 12th, I started to have Covid19 symptoms (coughing, tightness in chest, muscle aches, lost of taste, etc.). I was afraid to go to the hospital and felt like it would become even worse if I went to such an exposed area, and so decided to stay home and self isolate–hoping and praying for recovery. I did not share it with my family members because I did not want them to worry. But to be honest, it was a lot more painful than ordinary influenza. Yet, I could not lose. I decided to use the Healstem medical mat twice each and everyday, even during sleep. Previously, when I had flu-like symptoms, I used the Healstem mat and got better each time. So having that prior experience, I began to use the mat even more along with other healthy habits such as exposing myself to the sun and healthy diets. On May 26th, 2 weeks later, being confident that I have recovered, I went to get an examination at the hospital and found out that I developed antibodies! Having antibodies means that I certainly did have covid19. With the Healstem mat, I have overcome and won the virus!
The reason I am now able to live my normal life is because I was able to raise my body’s core temperature and therefore raise my immune system. I was able to do it because of the Healstem mat. We all have to take care of our own health during these days of uncertainty and rapid changes. I strongly recommend that each household have at least one Healstem medical mat. You will see a result that exceeds your expectation.